Recycled Tee Shirt Beaded Headbands

These Recycled Tee Shirt Beaded Headbands are a quick and easy way to give a second life to old tee shirts and make coordinated headbands for every outfit.
Old Tee Shirts
Pony Beads
Gather your old t-shirts and cut off the sleeves.
Trim the sleeves into strips anywhere from half an inch to two inches wide. Be sure to snip the loop of the sleeve so that it is one long strip.
String on pony beads, Obviously it will be harder to string them on the wider strips of t-shirt but the effect in the end is well worth the trouble.
Center your beads-tie them in place if you need to, size your headband to fit, and there you have it!

Erin Sipes is a writer, crafter, and homeschooling mother of (soon-to-be) four based in rural Missouri. She is also the voice behind My Very Educated Mother, a blog dedicated to advocating the benefits of a creative home by sharing kids crafts and family-friendly recipes, as well as encouraging self-reliance, recycling, and responsible consumerism.
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