Recycled Hop on Hop Off Bus

Our newest contest winner, five year old Aditi from Minneapolis, Minnesota made this Hop on Hop Off Bus from easily available items. Winter is the time when she can hardly go out to play, and that ignites her creativity for craft works. Egg cartons are one of the best things for recycle projects. This project is fun and you can use your own creativity to color and design the bus.
Egg carton
Markers or acrylic colors
4 lids of plastic milk bottles
To make this Recycled Hop on Hop Off Bus, take an empty egg carton. Draw and cut the front and back view windows. Draw and cut the windows and door on the sides. Make sure one side of the door remains uncut for opening and closing the door. Cut out a portion from the top to view the passengers.
Glue the lids of milk bottles as the wheels of the bus.
Color the egg carton with your favorite colors.
You can draw the front wiper blades too. Place finger puppets or any small toys in each egg holder. Make sure your bus has a driver.
Have fun making and riding the bus.

IT'S A WINNER! Take a look at what one of our talented viewers submitted to share with you. This craft was selected as one of this month's winners to received $50 in craft supplies. Click here to find out how you can enter your original creation for our judges consideration.
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