Pocket Organizer

Great way to recycle those outgrown jeans into this fun organizer for a kids room.
Yellow acrylic paint
Three 4 1/4″ x 4 1/4″ decorated jean pockets (from two pairs little girls jeans)
32″ girls purple belt
Stationary items: Pencils, scissors, note pad, paper clips, etc.
Six to eight 1-2″ diameter stones (for weights)
8″ scissors (X-ACTO®)
Paint brush
Paper towels
Glue gun and glue sticks (for adult use only)
Old newspapers
In newspaper-covered area, paint Foam Block yellow. Let dry.
Ask an adult to help with all hot gluing and get permission before cutting jeans. Use scissors to cut jeans 1/4″ – 1/2″ larger than pockets. Fold raw edges to back of pockets and hot glue.
Place pockets on Foam Block with pocket points even with bottom edge of block. Determine how they will fit next to one another. One at a time, apply hot glue to back of pocket, only along sides and bottom edges (leaving top open). (Note: If pockets are wider at top than bottom, glue pocket sides so that they are parallel to Block sides. This allows pocket tops to gap to hold items.) Repeat to attach other two pockets.
Wrap belt around bottom, sides and top of Block, with buckle and ends meeting on left side. If belt is longer than 32″, use scissors to trim excess length. Fill pockets with pencils, scissors, note pad, paper clips, etc. to keep organized. (Note: Items can either go in pocket, between fabric layers – or behind pocket, between Block and fabric.)
This craft is reprinted courtesy of FloraCraft where you will find crafts and materials for projects for kids of all ages.

FloraCraft(r), locally owned and operated in Michigan, has beenserving the craft and floral industries for 65 continuous years, providing quality STYROFOAM(tm) Brand Foam in shapes and sheets. We are dedicated to helping beginners and professionals achieve their best results, FloraCraft products are the foundation of every great project.
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