Paper Plate Fall Tree Craft

Each season creates it’s own special display of colors. The Paper Plate Fall Tree Craft lets you create your version of a fall tree. You could use this concept to show the tree in all four seasons and post on your bedroom wall or bulletin board at school.
Trivia: “The best fall colors happen when the right combination of weather and temperature (sunny days and cool nights) at the right time (late summer) work together in harmony, and while the unpredictability of mother nature leads to a foliage pattern that can differ wildly from year to year.” New England Today-Seasons
Paper plate
Foam sheet
Cork sheet
Amplify® Mixed Media Shears (8″)
Circle Thick Materials Shape Punch (Small)
1. Punch circles out of a cork sheet using the circle Thick Materials Shape Punch. With this new punch collection, you can incorporate thick and tough materials like cork more easily into your projects.
2. To make leaf shapes, insert the punched circle back into the punch halfway and punch again. This will create a leaf shape.
3. Repeat these first two steps with the foam sheet: first punching the circles out and then punching the circles to make leaf shapes.
4. Using the Amplify® shears, cut leaf shapes from felt. You can use the previously made leaves as a guide if you want to. These shears are very sharp, so an adult should do this step.
5. Draw a tree outline on a paper plate, canvas sheet or simply scrapbook paper. Let your kids get involved by coloring in the tree.
6. Adhere the different textured leaves onto the tree.
This project is an easy go-to concept that can change with the season.
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