Not-So-Scary TP Snake

Toilet paper tubes, paper clips and some paint make this not so scary snake.

Everyone will have fun with this Not-So-Scary Snake make from toilet paper cardboard tubes. Better add this craft to your collection soon before they do away with the cardboard tube.


Where was the toilet paper holder during this evolution of the roll? It actually didn’t come around until the 19th century after the invention of the roll. The earliest forms of this bathroom essential didn’t require a rolling contraption. Seth Wheeler (the perfect last name!) patented his design in 1871, roughly 14 years following the invention of modern toilet paper. The simple yet effective design has remained largely unchanged. Source: The Portland Loo – Unrolling the Past: The History of Toilet Paper and Its Holder

  • 3 Empty Toilet Paper  Tubes
  • Green, Dark Green and Black Paint and Brush
  • Glue
  • Hand Hole Punch
  • Wiggle Eyes — 15mm
  • Tacky Glue
  • Small Scrap of Red Paper
  • Scissors
  • Paper Clips
  • String
  1. Cut empty toilet paper tubes in half.
  2. Paint the inside light green. Paint dark green in the middle of each ring and lighter green near the edges of each ring. Let dry.
  3. Paint a rough black line where the colors meet.
  4. Punch a hole in each roll near each edge.
  5. Hook pieces together (both ends) using paper clips.
  6. Cut a forked tongue out of red paper. Glue tongue to one end.
  7. On the same end, glue on two wiggle eyes.
  8. Add a string to pull him around.



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