Laundry Bag with Owl Design

A Laundry Bag with Owl Design is a fun way to identify your laundry bag among the others in the laundry room. It’s twice as nice because you made it yourself.
Acrylic Paint: Desert Turquoise and Lavender
Water container
Palette or plastic plate
Paper towels
Contac® paper
Sharpie® marker
Scissors or X-Acto® knife
Medium/large canvas drawstring bag
Two cosmetic sponges
Print off or copy a favorite icon or your name in your favorite font.
Use scissors to cut a piece of Contac® paper larger than the selected design.
Use a marker to trace the pattern onto Contac® paper.
Use scissors or an X-Acto® knife to cut out the design.
Position the Contac® paper “stencil” where you want the design on the bag, remove backing, and firmly press down the stencil.
Use the big end of a cosmetic sponge to dab Lavender onto the design, starting at bottom and going 1/2 of the way up the design or letters.
Use a new cosmetic sponge dipped in Desert Turquoise and dab the rest of the way up. To blend colors in the middle, double-load the sponge with Lavender and
Desert Turquoise and keep dabbing in back and forth.
Remove the stencil.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

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