Jelly Bean Prayer

What a great way to make learning about God’s love a sweet experience.
Printable Prayer
Jelly Beans
Empty Glass Jar with Lid
Hole Punch
Card stock
Remove any labels and wash out glass jar. Let dry thoroughly.
Fill with Jelly Beans and screw on lid.
Click on Printables and print out Jelly Bean Prayer.
Punch hole in card
Attach to jar with ribbon.
This craft is reprinted courtesy of
Patterns, Templates and Printables
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I am a Christian wife and home-schooling mama striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman! I am blessed with 5 kids, including one princess and two sets of twin boys! In my "spare" time I enjoy scrapbooking, though blogging seems to be taking its place. I currently have three main blogs. This is my family/homeschool/craft/everything blog. The Homeschool Resource List is a collection of all the free online resources that I have found for homeschoolers. The "Brown Like Me" Book Review is a collection of books featuring "brown" characters. I also write for Totally Tots, which is a blog dedicated to those with toddlers.
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