Printable Halloween Mad Lib

This Halloween Mad Lib is a fantastic way for kids to build excitement for the upcoming festivities. It’s affordable and simple to produce, whether for an individual child or a large group. Try it out for October parties.
According to Todd Van Luling for HuffPost, scholars have pointed out the earliest known mention of a birthday celebration was in the Bible as a reference to a Pharaoh’s birthday (around 3,000 B.C.E.). Egyptologist Dr. James Hoffmeier believes this is a reference to the coronation date, since that would have marked the Pharaoh’s “birth” as a god. Source: The Oakland Post – After all, when did celebrating birthdays became a thing?
- White Paper
- Printer
- Pen or Pencil
- Print out as many copies of the Halloween Mad Lib below as you need whether it is one or many.
- Turn the kids loose to fill out their fun Mad Libs
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print in the correct size by using Ctrl +p

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