Felt Lunch Bag

This Felt Lunch Bag will make kids excited to pack their lunch and get ready for an exciting day at school. It is a perfect place to carry your special Bento box. You can let the kids help you cut out the trim. This is also a great beginning sewing project for tweens and teens.
Trivia: Bento or packed lunches, can be traced back as far as the fifth century, when Japanese leaving their homes to till their fields, hunt, fish, or even wage war carried food with them to eat on the go.
2 Kunin CraftCut 9" x 12" ClassicFelt™ in Pirate Green
1 Kunin CraftCut 9" x 12" ClassicFelt™ in Neon Green
1 Kunin CraftCut 9" x 12" ClassicFelt™ in Baby Blue
1 Kunin CraftCut 9" x 12" ClassicFelt™ in Neon Blue
1 Kunin CraftCut 9" x 12" ClassicFelt™ in Orange or Yellow
1/4 yard fusible fleece interfacing
1 button, 1”-1½"
1 hair elastic band
Sewing Machine
Pirate Green Thread
White Embroidery Floss
Dark Green Embroidery Floss
Neon Green Embroidery Floss
1. Enlarge the pattern 133% and print out. Cut out leaves and bird pieces. Stitch the design onto one of the Pirate Green 9"x12" approximately 2" from the bottom.
2. Iron fleece to the backs of both pirate green 9"x12".
3. Cut a 1-1/2" square from each bottom corner of interfaced bag body. With right sides together, sew the sides and bottom together. Figure A
4. With right sides still facing, take the hair elastic and pinch it to form two loops (making sure one loop is approximately 1-1½"). Using a zigzag stitch, sew to the top back panel 1/4" from the edge, going over your stitches a few times to secure it. Figure B
5. To box bottom corners, match each side seam of bag body with the bottom seam; stitch across resulting straight edge. Figure C
6. Turn bag body right side out and hand-stitch button to front of bag.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
Click on a pattern to open it in a new window

The Kunin Group, a division of Foss Manufacturing Company, LLC, supplies a wide range of premium quality felt and fabrics to the worlds craft industry. Packaged for retail display, Kunin products are sold in retail outlets worldwide. All Kunin fabrics are made with Ecospun, the high-quality polyester fiber made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles. We are a green company as we spin the polyester fiber we use.
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