Feathered Note Holder

The refrigerator has so many notes and pictures attached to it that something always gets lost in the mix. This Feathered Note Holder can be used for that special message that needs to stand out. It also makes a great Teacher’s Gift.
2" Styrofoam Ball
Acrylic paints, colors of choice
Coordinating craft foam circles, 3/8", two
Craft feathers, colors of choice
Wiggle eyes, 1/4", two
Black string or elastic cord (optional)
Wooden spring-type clothespin
Serrated plastic knife
Wooden skewer
Round paintbrush
Disposable palette
Water basin
Paper towels
Low-temp glue gun and glue sticks
Thick, white craft glue
(Note: Some adult supervision required; read instructions
before beginning. Adults only should handle the serrated knife.)
1. Use serrated plastic knife to cut thin slice on a slight
angle from narrow end of foam egg; this will be neck. If
desired, cut thin slice from one side of egg so body will sit flat.
2. Use glue gun to glue clothespin to neck area for head/beak;
open end should be at front of bird. Refer to photo.
3. Insert skewer into bottom of bird to use as handle. Holding
skewer, paint entire bird color of choice; place in heavy
glass or jar to dry. Remove skewer.
4. Use skewer to poke tiny holes into each side of body for
two to four feathers. Apply dot of glue to hole and push tip
of feather into it.
5. Glue two craft foam circles to opposite sides of clothespin
as shown for eyes; glue wiggle eyes to foam. Be sure not to
glue clothespin closed. Let dry completely.
6. Tie string to wire spring for hanging birds. Insert message into beak.

STYROFOAM™ brand from Dow is one of the most trusted and widely known brand names in the craft industry. From Christmas ornaments to wedding topiaries, they have helped shape your crafting memories for 60 years. Today, their high-performance foams are helping you make tomorrow's memories.
I’m not sure if I’m missing something really obvious or not. In the instructions it says to cut a piece off the foam egg…but I don’t see an egg of any kind listed in the supplies list. Help?
It looks like the styrofoam ball was left off of the list of supplies. I went back to the site of the original contributor but could not find this craft again so I took an educated guess and inserted a 2″ styrofoam ball in the list of supplies. I hope this helps. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.