DIY Fall Leaf Bookmark

Nakshatra from Cumming,Georgia is was inspired by the colorful fall leaves and submitted this entry winning DIY Fall Leaf Bookmark. Nakshatra says, “I’m 11 years old and I am in the sixth grade. Some of my hobbies include baking, singing, playing the violin, and most of all making crafts. I’ve always had a passion for arts and crafts and, I have finally got a chance to really show that talent, thanks to Free Kids Crafts”.
Card Stock
Glue (I Used Hot Glue)
Artificial Leaves
Mod Podge + Brush (Optional)
Thread (Red, Orange, or Yellow)
Hole Puncher
1)Cut the card stock into what size bookmark you want (I did 2×4 1/2)
2)Glue leaves onto card stock
3)Cut off the leaves extra leaves hanging off the edge of the card stock
4)Cover your bookmark in Mod Podge (Optional)
5)Hole punch your bookmark at the top
6)Wrap the thread around your about 4 fingers until, you’re thread is thick enough
7)Take the thread off your fingers and cut it in half
8)Wrap a strand of thread around the top of your thread leaving a hole at the top and, tie a knot
9)Put the thread through the hole in your made in your tassel and bookmark and tie a knot at the end
You’re Done!
EDITOR’S NOTE: You could also take a nature walk and find some beautiful natural leaves to use for this project.
Free Kids Crafts Contest Winner
IT’S A WINNER! Take a look at what one of our talented viewers submitted to share with you. This craft was selected as one of this month’s winners to received $50 in craft supplies. Click here to find out how you can enter your original creation for our judges consideration.

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