Dads Golf Box

With your help, the kids can make this handy golf-inspired box from a recycled cigar box craft for Dad for Father’s Day.
Americana Acrylics:DAO1 - Snow (Titanium) White
DAO55 - Kelly Green
DAO67 - Lamp (Ebony) Black
DA170 - Santa Red
DA230 - Festive Green
DA235 - Citron Green
DAS13 - Americana Matte Spray Sealer
Paper towels
Palette or plastic plate
Water container
Photocopy of putting green pattern
Piece of synthetic sponge or sea sponge
1" sponge brush
#3 round brush or permanent black marker
Tracing and transfer paper
Cigar box
Note: Let dry after each step.
Use sponge brush and Lamp Black to paint box base.
Place on puddle each of Citron Green and Festive Green on palette. Dip synthetic sponge or sea sponge in both colors. Pounce onto box top.
Cut out putting green "stencil" from paper. Position pattern on box. Use clean sponge and
Kelly Green to pounce in open area. Remove stencil.
Trace and transfer blocks for lettering.
Use round brush and Snow White to paint flag pole and blocks for lettering.
Use round brush and Santa Red to paint flag.
Use round brush and Lamp Black to paint "dad". Use Snow White to paint "#1" on flag.
Use brush handle end and Santa Red to dot borders around lettering blocks.
Spray box with Americana Matte Spray Sealer.
This craft is reprinted courtesy of

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