Crayon Acorn

Recycle those old bits of crayon to make this fun Crayon Acorn sun catcher to hang in your window. Kids have fun making sun catchers and then enjoy the colorful light it brings into the room. While you have the crayons out take a look at some of the other sun catchers and make lots of them to brighten the day.
Acorns are nuts that form on mature oak trees. The older the tree, the more acorns produced, and trees that are 70 or 80 years old can potentially produce thousands of these tree nut Source: – Facts About Acorns
- Waxed Paper
- Bits of leftover crayons
- Warm iron in the hands of an adult
- Scissors
- Fishing wire
- Brown Tissue Paper (optional)
- Tacky Glue for Tissue Paper option
- Click on the acorn pattern below or create your own.Place a piece of wax paper over acorn pattern. Sprinkle crayon shavings (sparingly!) on wax paper following the design on the download.
- Place another piece of wax paper on top of shavings and a blank sheet of paper or a cloth over that. Gently press down with a warm iron. Crayon will melt quickly
- Staple wax paper outside of the design area and under the waxed paper and cut out.
- I added a line around the edge with a permanent marker for definition but it doesn’t adhere to the wax paper very well.
- I thought it would be fun to add tissue paper to make it look even more real, but it can be an option.
- String up in the window with a piece of fishing line.
Click on the pattern below to open it in a new window to print

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