Corny Valentine Gift

DIY valentine sleeves for microwave popcorn

Want to give someone a gift that’s not too sweet? Make this Corny Valentine Popcorn tag and attach it your favorite microwave popcorn. It’s a cute idea without getting too sweet.


By the 1840s, the notion of Valentine’s Day as a holiday to celebrate romantic love had taken over most of the English-speaking world. It was Cupid’s golden age: The prudish Victorians adored the notion of courtly love and showered each other with elaborate cards and gifts. Source: History – How Chocolate Became a Valentine’s Day Staple

  • White Cardstock or Heavyweight White Paper
  • Microwave Popcorn
  • Color Printer
  • Scissors
  • Stapler
  1. Click on the template below and print out your Valentine tags.
  2. Cut apart and staple to the wider side of your microwave popcorn bag
  3. Hand out to all your friends
Patterns, Templates and Printables

Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print in the correct size by using Ctrl +p


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