Bat Puppet

Puppet crafts are fun to make and even more fun to play with afterwards. Kids will spend hours creating Halloween plays with these puppets.
Aleene's® Foamtastic®Pompons, orange, 1¼”
Felt, black, 2 squares
Fun Foam, black, orange
Peeper eyes, 20mm
Pipe cleaners, yellow
Cut two glove and ear patterns from black felt, two wings from black Fun Foam and two inner ears from orange. Glue orange pieces inside ears.
Squeeze out an Orange line from top point of wings to bottom. Set aside to dry.
Glue peeper eyes to orange pompons.
Cut 3” pieces of pipe cleaners for fangs. Pierce two holes in upper part of mouth and insert pipe cleaners and pull.
For legs, cut a strand of pipe cleaner in half. Cut second strand into four pieces. Twist two shorter pieces together in center to form claws. Twist larger strand onto feet for leg.
Pierce two holes in felt glove and insert legs, coiling reverse side to secure.
Fit both gloves parts together. Apply glue to edges of one side, leaving 1” open for mouth. Position mouth and glue entire glove, leaving opening for hand. Secure with clothespins.
Glue wings to back of glove. Secure with clothespins.
This craft is reprinted courtesy of
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