Along Came A Spider Pumpkin

Make Halloween more fun with this Along Came A Spider Pumpkin and step outside the traditional carved pumpkin box. The kids can have fun painting their pumpkin and you won’t have to worry about sharp knives.
Tall, skinny pumpkin
Americana Acrylics
Snow (Titanium) White
Lamp (Ebony) Black
Cherry Red
Citron Green
Multi-Purpose Sealer
Americana Matte SpraySpray Sealer
Americana Brush Liner
1" flat brush
1/2" flat brush
Water container
Palette or plastic plate
Paper towels
Tracing and transfer paper
Preparation: Wipe pumpkin with soft, dampened cloth or paper towels and allow to dry completely. (If pumpkin is exceptionally dirty, rinse with garden hose. Scrub gently; do not bruise or puncture skin.)
Use 1" flat brush and Multi-Purpose Sealer to coat pumpkin. Let dry.
Trace and gently transfer pattern.
Use 1/2" flat brush to paint spider eyes Snow White; irises,Cherry Red; and body and legs, Lavender. Let dry. Once dry, outline spider, add wispy hair strokes, and dot eyes with Lamp Black.
Use 1/2" flat brush to paint eye pupil and mouth, Lamp Black; irises, Citron Green; remainder of eye, Snow White; nose, Cherry Red. Let dry.
Using liner brush to outline all facial features (with exception of mouth) Lamp Black. Outline mouth and paint highlights in eyes with Snow White.
Lightly mist entire pumpkin with Americana Matte Spray. Repeat, if desired, allowing to dry between coats.
Patterns, Templates and Printables
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