Valentine Crown of Hearts

Construction paper crown decorated with hearts

Crown your king or queen with this easy-to-make Valentine Crown of  Hearts for Valentine’s Day or any other loving occasion. You can replace the heart with any shape you wish for other occasions, such as birthday candles or stars.


The classic picture of two swans facing each other with bills touching is a very popular one for Valentines, and this forms a heart shape between them. They are actually smelling each other’s breath to remember who’s who (swans can appear identical and sometimes get confused, just as we confuse them).

  • Several colors of construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue, tape, or staples
  1. For this Valentine Crown of Hearts cut strips of construction paper 3-4 inches wide. You will need to measure the child’s head to determine how many strips you need.
  2. Cut two 2-inch narrow strips of construction paper of the same color.
  3. Assemble the crown as pictured using the adhesive of your choice. Be sure it’s a good fit for your little kind or queen!
  4. Cut hearts (or other shapes) from alternate colors of construction paper. Decorate crown with your hearts. For the heart at the top of the crown, fold under the bottom corner of your heart to enable it to stand up.


One thought on “Valentine Crown of Hearts”

  1. Shelby says:

    I like Valentine’s day.

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