Father’s Day Tool Belt Card

Card with tool belt and tools for kids to mae

Dads are always the handyman around the house and this Father’s Day Tool Belt Card says that you admire what he does. This easy to make card is the perfect project for young children to make and give to Dad on Father’s Day. You probably already have a package of construction paper around the house and the rest are standard materials.


Did you know tools discovered in Kenya in 1969 are estimated to be some 2.6 million years old? Source: Infographics -Interesting Facts about Hand Tools.

  • Card stock or construction paper in a variety of colors
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick
  • Pencil or Marker
  1. Print and cut out the color or black and white pattern below. If you select the black and white version, color before cutting out the pieces, it makes it easier.
  2.  Using the picture as a guide print and cut out the tools on a variety of colored paper or card stock.
  3. Glue the belt approximately one inch below the top.
  4. Glue the belt taps over the belt as pictured.
  5. Write Happy Father’s Day on the pocket.
  6. Make a loop out of the small strip on the pattern with the tools; glue it to the inside of the pocket as shown in the picture
  7. Glue pocket and loop to the base card using the picture as a reference; leaving the top open to insert tools.
  8. Make the handles on the tools out of a colored paper, we used red, and glue to the hammer and screwdriver.
  9. Insert the hammer in the loop and the other tools in the pocket.

Give your Father’s Day Tool Belt Card to Dad with a big hug and tell him how much you love and admire him.

Patterns, Templates and Printables

Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print



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