George Washington Puppet Craft

George Washington Head Puppet on a Dowel

Although we celebrate President’s Day on February 21st this year, February 22nd is George Washington’s official birth date and the FreeKidsCrafts Team has designed a puppet that will make if fun to learn more about our 1st president. If you’d like to set up a situation where Washington and Lincoln have an imaginary conversation with each other about life in America today, you can add our Abraham Lincoln puppet to the fun.


Washington kept many canine breeds at Mount Vernon, including Dalmatians, English foxhounds, French hounds, Greyhounds, Italian Greyhounds, mastiffs, Newfoundlands, pointers, spaniels and terriers. Source: – 11 Little-Known Facts About George Washington

  • Printer
  • Markers, Crayons, Pastels
  • Cotton Balls or White Tissue Paper
  • Tacky Glue
  • Scissors
  • Dowel
  1. Print out the pattern below.
  2. Color Washington’s face before you cut it out.
  3. Cut out the colored head.
  4. Glue cotton balls or crumpled tissue paper for his hair. We used pastels and cotton balls for our puppet, but you can use whatever craft materials you have handy. Colored pencils and crayons will work.
  5. Tape or hot glue to a dowel.
Patterns, Templates and Printables

Click on a pattern to open it in a new window to print


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